Six Myths about Human Brain

human brainThe human brain is studied not one hundred years, but the quantity of the riddles connected with this body increases rather than decreases. Perhaps, numerous delusions concerning a structure and functioning of the brain are explained by it, many of which arose long ago, but continue to exist and today. My Canadian Pharmacy is ready to acquaint readers with the most widespread myths.

  1. The first myth sounds like “brain tissue is of gray color”. From where this statement undertook, it isn’t known, but most of the people are really sure of its justice. Actually, living tissues of the brain have a red color, and gray coloring is characteristic for the dead brain substance drawn from a cranium.
  2. The second myth is “The dead of a brain cell isn’t restored”. Cells of any fabric of a human body live during the certain time, and then die off, and cells of the brain aren’t an exception. This process is accelerated under the influence of stresses, the use of harmful substances (alcohol, nicotine, etc., diseases and other negative factors). However, the brain has a remarkable ability to regeneration: its cells are restored even when very extensive areas of bark are exposed to destruction. Return of the vital functions of the patients who had a stroke or became victims of serious craniocerebral injuries is explained by it.
  3. The third myth tells us about “Intensity of brain work weakens with age”. Such phenomenon is really observed: in many elderly people memory weakens, ingenuity and ability to perceive new information decreases. However the intensity of this process depends not so much on a number of the lived years, how many on a way of life, lack of addictions and a constant and an intensive activity, it is desirable – reasonable and bringing to the personal satisfaction. A large number of long-livers who met the centenary in a condition of such intellectual activity to which many young people can envy is known. My Canadian Pharmacy figures out that it is possible to maintain the brain activity together with our preparations.
  4. The fourth myth includes the idea that “The intelligence of the person directly depends on the brain sizes”. The belief that with a large head or highbrow people are cleverest in comparison with others, occurs from an extreme antiquity but has nothing in common with reality. Intellectual opportunities of the person depend neither on the weight of his brain nor on skull volume in any way. It is confirmed by numerous researches which authors compared the specified brain parameters of the well-known scientists, writers, artists and politicians.
  5. The fifth myth explains the idea of “Damage to brain tissue leads to cavities emergence”. Many people consider that any mechanical head injury connected with penetration in the skull of the firm subject leads to the formation of the cavity in the brain. It is not so. The consistency of brain substance is similar to jelly, quickly filling an emptiness. Certainly, about the instant restoration of the functions lost in such cases, the speech doesn’t go: it is a difficult process, the speed and which result depend by nature of a trauma, the sizes and an arrangement of an affected site of bark, and also the help which is given to the patient.
  6. And the latest sixth myth tells us about “Actively no more than 10% of cells of brain work”. With a myth Source, apparently, not absolutely considered or incorrectly understood conclusions of several scientists made at the end of XIX – the beginning of the XX century are. Perhaps, the statement wouldn’t gain wide popularity, if science fiction writers. The idea that certain unknown contain nine tenth brains of the person, but very perspective opportunities which are so far in the sleeping state was so attractive that became a basis of many literary plots, and gradually began to be perceived, as a scientific axiom.”
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